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Memorable Posts: American Culture and Returning Home

What were your favorite articles from the past school year?

I went through the posts, and picked the ones I remembered. Here they are, in no particular order (except perhaps chronological):

#1) How to Speak English Fluently?, by Nick

I thought that one was helpful when it comes to learning and getting accustomed to the English language. Plus, I didn't know Nick could write so well.

#2) Empowered to Create Change: Being an LGBTQ Student, by Jaime

The social and political issue surrounding homosexuality in America - and certainly for student life in America - was well-highlighted, I thought, by this post.

#3) My Work Experience with the Female Politicians of Afghanistan, by Farima

#4) Being Afghan and Muslim at a US High School, by Farima

In truth, I loved all of Farima's posts, enough to say that she was my favorite among the bloggers. These two pieces were particularly insightful when it came to sharing culture and accommodating one's cultural background to new surroundings.

#5) Reverse Culture Shock: How I've Changed in the US, by Tara

Reverse culture shock, for its part, is definitely something I've been experiencing upon return trips to Armenia, so I can identify with this post.