Those in North and South America and most parts of East Asia were being treated Wednesday to a rare total lunar eclipse known as a blood moon.
The lunar landscape glowed a coppery red color as the Earth passed between the sun and the moon, shortly before sunrise in the Americas and just after moonrise in Asia.
The red color is a result of sunlight passing through the Earth's atmosphere, where it is scattered before being reflected by the moon.
It is the second of four total lunar eclipses occurring over a two-year period. The next will occur on April 4 and September 28 of next year.
Unlike solar eclipses, lunar eclipses last for several hours and are visible to a much greater section of Earth. NASA says the only places where Wednesday's eclipse was not visible was Africa, Europe, and eastern Brazil.
Public viewings were being held in China, Japan, Australia, and elsewhere. NASA and others have also set up live video feeds to view the phenomenon.