North Korea has provided a small group of Americans with a rare look at the few people who can access the Internet in the tightly-controlled and impoverished state.
North Korea Gives US Delegation Rare Look at Internet Use

Uskoro, nakon prvih snimaka, bilo je jasno da s Hablom nešto nije u redu. Slike su bile mutne i nisu se mogle fokusirati. Sa sledećim letom šatla greška je popravljena - ogledalo je zamenjeno novim. Zatim slike koje su usledile bile su bolje od svih do tada.

North Koreans work at computer terminals inside the Grand People's Study House in Pyongyang, North Korea, January 9, 2013.

Executive Chairman of Google Eric Schmidt and former governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson look at soldiers working on computers at the Grand Peoples Study House, Pyongyang, North Korea, January 9, 2013.

Former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson tries on 3-D glasses as he looks at North Korean-developed computer technology with Executive Chairman of Google Eric Schmidt in Pyongyang, North Korea, January 9, 2013.