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NYC Mayor Meets with Israeli PM

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg (l) speaks at a news conference at Gracie Mansion in New York with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyah, Sept. 27, 2012.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg (l) speaks at a news conference at Gracie Mansion in New York with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyah, Sept. 27, 2012.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg hosted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Thursday at the official mayoral residence, Gracie Mansion. The two spoke briefly to the media in the garden.

Standing with Netanyahu on the lawn outside Gracie Mansion, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Israel and the U.S. share a common concern and commitment.

“In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, the people of Israel stood with us in solidarity, knowing that terrorists are only victorious if they frighten people to give up their beliefs, their values, their way of life. That will never happen with Israel, and it will never happen in the United States," said Bloomberg.

The Israeli prime minister, who is in New York for the United Nations General Assembly, received no invitation to meet with President Obama. But in his remarks at Gracie Mansion, he said Israel and the United States are in accord that Iran must be kept from developing a nuclear bomb. He repeated the thrust of his speech earlier at the U.N.

“I believe that many see this today. We are in close consultations with the United States about this issue, about how to practically prevent Iran from moving ahead, how to make them abandon their nuclear weapons ambitions. I believe it’s achievable, and we’ll continue to work towards that goal," said Netanyahu.

Bloomberg praised the president’s speech at the U.N. and Netanyahu’s:

“I thought President Obama gave an excellent speech in the U. N., and he was absolutely right to say that Iran must not be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons. The U.S. and Israel are in complete agreement on that. And I think that Prime Minister Netanyahu made a very compelling case today why a clear red line is needed and why that will help preserve peace," he said.

The two men then adjourned for a private meeting inside.