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Pakistan's PM Calls Indian Counterpart on Election Victory


FILE - Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi gestures toward his supporters after the election results at Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) headquarter in New Delhi, India, May 23, 2019.
FILE - Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi gestures toward his supporters after the election results at Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) headquarter in New Delhi, India, May 23, 2019.

Pakistan's prime minister has spoken to his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modi, congratulating him on his party's winning a second mandate.

A statement from the ministry of foreign affairs Sunday said that during the telephone call, Imran Khan expressed his hope the two countries would work closely together to improve their relations.

Tensions between the two nuclear-armed rivals flared in February, when a suicide attack on Indian paramilitary forces in the Indian-controlled portion of disputed Kashmir killed 40 soldiers.

India launched an airstrike a few days after on a militant group based in Pakistan, Jaishe-e-Mohammed, which had claimed responsibility for the assault.

Pakistan and India have fought two wars over the disputed Himalayan region, and engaged regularly in armed skirmishes along the heavily militarized border.