Photographs of cities, temples and ruins of Babylon, Macedonia, Greece and Rome reveal heritage at risk as two-year Syrian revolution grinds on.
Roots of Civilizations in Syrian War's Path

The façade of a structure among the Roman ruins of Apamea, a major trade center of the Middle East, photographed by Christian Sahner before the Syrian conflict began.

Arch and remaining columns of Palmyra, a pre-Christian trade center and oasis northeast of Damascus, photographed by Christian Sahner before the Syrian conflict began.

The Umayyad Mosque of Damascus, one of Islam’s largest and oldest places of worship, one of six World Heritage sites in Syria, photographed by Christian Sahner before the Syrian conflict began.

Arabic letters carved into stone of Crac des Chevaliers, called best example in the world of a medieval castle, once headquarters of Richard the Lionheart, photographed by Christian Sahner before the Syrian conflict began.