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Top 5 Informational Posts: Start Here

The final, and possibly most important, of our recaps looks back at the most informative posts we've done over the past year. If you're just discovering this blog or just starting to think about studying in the U.S., these posts will be a good way to start.

Top 5 most informative posts:

#1) Applying to Schools

From deciding to study in America to waiting for the results of your application, this post walks through all the basic steps of applying, including stories from our bloggers about their experiences.

Also see:
First Steps: Deciding to Come to the US is the Easy Part

#2) Exploring Financial Aid and Funding Options

There are so many more sources of aid and scholarships than you may think. This post helps you get started understanding your options, and shares the various routes pursued by our bloggers to afford their education.

#3) Don't Study in the US Part 2: A Deeper Look at the Pros and Cons

Part of our "Don't Study in the US" series, looking at the benefits and drawbacks of studying in the US, this post goes deeper into why studying in America isn't right for everyone.

Also see:
Part 1

Part 3

#4) Learning and Studying in English

Students share what it's like to start taking classes in a foreign language. How hard is it really, and how long does it take to adjust? Plus, some advice from those who have been through it.

Also see:
Succeed Academically at American Universities

How to Speak English Fluently?

#5) Arriving in the US

Some advice on beating the initial homesickness and culture shock of arriving in a foreign country. Make sure to also check out our category on culture shock for advice and experiences throughout the year, including things like being away from home during the holidays.