8 Killed in Kirkuk Car Bomb Blast

Iraqi police say a car bomb exploded outside a house in the troubled northern city of Kirkuk Wednesday, killing eight people and wounding at least one.

Senior police officials say it appears the car exploded prematurely inside the residential compound as it was being prepared for a bomb attack. The family staying in the home had arrived there only days before.

At least one building was flattened by the blast.

Kirkuk is a disputed, multi-ethnic region with vast oil reserves.

The government of northern Iraq's Kurdistan region and Baghdad are locked in a bitter feud about the area's land and oil.

Iraqi police Tuesday said a roadside bomb killed a police chief, Maj. Zaid Hussein Khalaf, and four of his officers near Kirkuk, in the town of Armili. Another roadside bomb struck an Iraqi police patrol in the nearby town of Daqouq that same day, killing two officers and wounding two others.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.