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Williams Report on Hollywood Chinese

Williams Report on Hollywood Chinese
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Q&A Williams & Lu / Hollywood Chinese / Taiwanese-born Ang Lee is among those vying for this year's Academy Award for Best Director for the film Life of Pi. The movie has earned more than $570 million in ticket sales, many of them from outside the United States. Lee previously won the Best Director Oscar in 2005 for the film Brokeback Mountain, becoming the first Asian to be so honored. Lisa Lu is the first Chinese-born actress to star in major motion pictures in Hollywood and on television. The actress was born in Beijing in 1927, and moved to California in the 1950's. She has appeared in the films The Mountain Road, The Last Emperor and Lust Caution, the last directed by Ang Lee. VOA’s Sarah Williams spoke with her recently at her home in Los Angeles, where she was preparing to travel to China for the Beijing premiere of her latest film Dangerous Liaisons. She tells me about her long friendship with Ang Lee, who cast her in Lust Caution.