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Press Conference USA
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MWANGI KIMENYI, DIRECTOR OF THE AFRICA GROWTH INITIATIVE, BROOKINGS INSTITUTION Host Carol Castiel and Host of Africa 54, Vincent Makori, speak with Dr. Kimenyi about the aftermath of the Kenyan election as Uhuro Kenyatta, who has been indicted by the International Criminal Court, is sworn in as President. Kimenyi tells Carol and Vincent that the vote represented, in part, a repudiation of the ICC. But he also believes that Kenyatta and his deputy, Ruto, no matter how controversial internationally due to ICC indictments, have a legitimate mandate to govern. Kimenyi discusses the challenges that face Kenyatta and how he is likely to interact with the United States and other western nations, many of whom had hoped his challenger, Raila Odinga, would win the election. Kimenya also offers thoughts about China’s push into Africa.