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Somali Lawmakers Make Baidoa Temporary Capital

Somalia's parliament has voted to move the country's temporary capital to the southern town of Baidoa.

Somali officials say the government will be based in Baidoa until the official capital, Mogadishu, can be made safe again. Two rounds of fighting between rival factions in Mogadishu have killed around 100 people this year.

Somali political leaders have been split for months over where to set up the country's transitional government, formed in Kenya in 2004.

One faction led by the parliament speaker (Sharif Hassan Shaikh Adan) has pushed for Mogadishu, while another faction concerned about security has insisted on the town of Jowhar.

The interim parliament met in Baidoa as a compromise in February.

The government has yet to assert its authority over Somalia, which has been essentially lawless since warlords overthrew dictator Mohammed Siad Barre in 1991.

About two-thirds of the 275-member parliament approved the Baidoa motion in Saturday's vote. More than 90 legislators were absent.

Some information for this report provided by AP and Reuters.