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Iran Accepts Compromise on Agenda of Nuclear Conference

Iran has accepted a compromise on the agenda of a 130-nation nuclear conference meeting in Vienna, averting the collapse of the talks.

Tehran had blocked passage of the agenda because of the phrase "reaffirming the need for full compliance" with the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The standoff began at the start of the conference on April 30.

But Tuesday, Iran agreed with a South African footnote saying "compliance" meant "with all provisions" of the treaty, meaning the United States and other nuclear weapons countries should be pressured to disarm.

The states attending the meeting then adopted the agenda by consensus, prompting relieved applause in the chamber.

The United States and its allies accuse Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons. Tehran says its nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes.

The United Nations Security Council has imposed sanctions on Iran because of its refusal to stop uranium enrichment, a process which can make fuel for power generation - or nuclear weapons.