U.N. weapons inspectors traveled to several locations in Iraq in their search for weapons of mass destruction.
Iraqi officials are once again accusing U.N. weapons inspectors of espionage as they continue to fan out across Iraq in their search for weapons of mass destruction.
Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan said the inspectors are "playing an intelligence role" and accused them of visiting sites that have nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction. Even so, he said, Iraq would continue to cooperate because this would "expose the lies of those who have bad intentions."
The inspectors visited several locations, including a facility that once contained a nuclear laboratory and produced short-range missiles. Biological inspection teams traveled to a medical college to visit its school of pharmacology. A chemical team went to a plastics factory near Baghdad.
Since resuming their inspections in November, weapons inspectors have said they have found no evidence to suggest Iraq is engaged in nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons programs. They are due to deliver their first report to the U.N. Security Council January 27.