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Ex-Peruvian President Denied Bail in Chile


Chile's Supreme Court has denied bail to former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori, after police arrested him Monday within hours of his arrival in Santiago.

Mr. Fujimori's attorney had requested provisional freedom for his client, whom Chile arrested at Peru's request. Mr. Fujimori, who now lives in Japan, is wanted on charges that include corruption and human rights abuses related to the death squad murders of 25 people.

Japan Tuesday called on Chile to treat Mr. Fujimori fairly. Japanese officials said they had not been aware of his travel plans.

The former president announced after arriving in Chile that he would stay temporarily as part of a bid to return to Peru to run for president in the 2006 elections.

Mr. Fujimori held Peru's presidency for a decade before resigning in 2000, via a faxed letter from his parents' native Japan. Tokyo has refused to extradite him because he holds Japanese nationality.

Some information for this report provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.