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House prepares to discuss impeachment articles

House prepares to discuss impeachment articles
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Recovery operation on hold as tremors increase around the volcano where a group of tourists died in an eruption on Monday.

Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi began her defense against accusations of genocide against the Rohingya Muslim minority.

Leading House Democrats unveiled two articles of impeachment against U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday, accusing him of abusing his office for personal political gain and obstructing the congressional impeachment inquiry. International Edition’s Steve Miller speaks with VOA Congressional Correspondent Katherine Gypson as the House Judiciary prepares to discuss the articles ahead of a vote.

London continued bracing itself ahead of a rare winter election n Thursday that could be affected by inclement weather across Britain. Prime Minister Boris Johnson called tomorrow's election a critical choice for the country, something that Opposition Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn agreed with. International Edition’s Steve Miller speaks with London-based reporter Henry Ridgwell.

It's not only Britain that's heading to the polls tomorrow. Algeria chooses its next president on December 12 as well. This, as the country's judicial system, has sentenced two former prime ministers to 12 and 15 years in prison, respectively, for corruption. Both were close allies of former President Abdel Aziz Bouteflika. Edward Yeranian reports several other top former government ministers were also given heavy sentences in the high profile case.

Climate activist Greta Thunberg says that business and political leaders are misleading the public by holding negotiations that are not leading to real action against warming temperatures, which she referred to as a climate "emergency. On Tuesday, the Trump administration got a bashing from its own countrymen during the 25th United Nations climate conference in Spain. VOA's Zlatica Hoke has that part of the story.