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FLASHPOINT: GLOBAL CRISES - First Hostages Released in Israel-Hamas Cease-Fire Deal

FLASHPOINT: GLOBAL CRISES - First Hostages Released in Israel-Hamas Cease-Fire Deal
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A four-day cease-fire between Israel and Hamas has taken hold. Hamas has released the first group of hostages, and Israel has allowed tanker trucks loaded with fuel and cooking gas into Gaza. Qatar has emerged as one of the main negotiators in the talks between Israel and Hamas. How did this come to be? VOA Urdu’s Faiza Bukhari gets the answer from Dan Arbell, Scholar at Center for Israeli Studies at American University. Ukraine prepares to evacuate stranded truck drivers near the Polish border. What foreign policy recommendations can be made from researching anti-American propaganda on the X platform in Arabic speaking countries like Saudi Arabia? VOA’s Steve Miller speaks with the two of authors of the upcoming paper detailing the study: Craig Albert and Ahmed Aleroud, both from Augusta University in Georgia. Ahead of the COP28 climate conference, China is pressing ahead with ambitious nuclear energy expansion plans. Can nuclear generation help the world’s largest carbon emitter to make the transition to clean energy?