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ISSUES IN THE NEWS: U.N. Says Gaza on the Brink of Irreversible Disaster as Calls for Ceasefire Grow Louder

ISSUES IN THE NEWS: U.N. Says Gaza on the Brink of Irreversible Disaster as Calls for Ceasefire Grow Louder
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The United States vetoed a United Nations resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian cease-fire as Israel ramps up strikes in Gaza. Hospitals in Gaza are barely functional, we’ll speak to a physician with Doctors Without Borders who describes medical personnel without the ability to provide the desperate care needed as hospitals become non-functional. And the father of a young man still being held hostage by Hamas describes the agony of not hearing any word from his son since October 7. And as Russia’s war on Ukraine continues, U.S. military aid hangs in the balance. White House Bureau Chief Patsy Widakuswara brings us details.