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Suicide Bombings Kill 4 Iraqi Police Officers

Suicide Bombings Kill 4 Iraqi Police Officers
Suicide Bombings Kill 4 Iraqi Police Officers

Suicide bombers have killed four police officers, including a commander, in an attack in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.

Iraqi officials said the bombers wore explosive vests and that two of them got inside police headquarters, blowing themselves up near Lieutenant Colonel Shamel Ahmed Aughla.

The Associated Press said an al-Qaida affiliate, the Islamic State of Iraq, claimed responsibility in an Internet posting. Reuters reported the police commander was targeted because of his crackdown on al-Qaida,

Local officials say the slain police commander had organized recent operations against al-Qaida militants, and had escaped several previous assassination attempts.

Security officials said a third suicide bomber was shot and killed as he approached the complex.

The attack came two days after suicide bombers detonated explosives near a provincial government compound in Ramadi, killing 17 people.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.