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Beattie Report on BurmaJapan

Beattie Report on BurmaJapan
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Q&A Dahgaypaw & Beattie / Burma Japan / Burmese democracy leader and parliamentarian Aung San Suu Kyi has finished a week-long visit to Japan. While there, she met with top Japanese officials, held a news conference and addressed students at Tokyo University. It was her first trip to Japan in nearly 30 years, having been a researcher at Kyoto University in the mid-1980s. The 67-year old Nobel laureate has been under some criticism for not being more forceful in denouncing the violence and working to improve minority rights in Burma. Aung San Suu Kyi said she is not a magician. She said differences take a long time to sort out, and an atmosphere of security is needed so people with differing opinions can sit down and exchange ideas. Myra Dahgaypaw (DAW-GAY-PAW), director of the human rights group U.S. Campaign for Burma, herself ethnic Karen who narrowly escaped fighting in the 1990s, tells VOA's Victor Beattie Aung San Suu Kyi is not speaking forcefully enough in defense of the rights of ethnic minorities in Burma, including the Rohingya (row-hihn-JAH) Muslims