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Q&A Alonzo / Hendra / Asian Women / Unpaid Care Work

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There Is Growing Movement Of Promoting Access To Work And Education For The World's Women And Girls. There Is Evidence That The Countries That Have A Higher Proportion Of Gender Equality Report Higher Rates Of Economic Growth And Human Development. Women's Empowerment Is Also Seen As a Poverty Reduction Tool. But All Too Often Due To Cultural Attitudes, Women And Girls Are Left Out Because Of An Unequal Burden Of Unpaid Care Work In The Home. It Is Often Young Girls Who Are Pulled Out Of School To Maintain Household Chores And Care Of Family. But As John Hendra, Assistant Secretary-General And Deputy Executive Director Of UN Women Explains To VOA's Frances Alonzo, There Needs To Be A Concerted Effort To Not Only Challenge Long Held Cultural Attitudes But To Also Find Ways For The Family To Distribute The Work In The Home To Include Men.