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Q&A Mellman / Armstrong / Korea Tensions

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On Monday, North And South Korea Exchanged Hundreds Of Artillery Shells Into The Ocean. On Tuesday, The Exchange Used Insults As A Weapon. A State Controlled North Korea Newspaper Called South Korea's Unmarried President An "Eccentric Old Spinster" And " A Frog In A Well." South Korea Responded Immediately, Condemning The North For Using "Expressions Even Street Ruffians Would Refrain From," Monday's Confrontation Was Apparently Tiggered By Pyonyang's Reaction To Military Exercises Being Conducted Between The US And South Korea. What Does This Week's Confrontation Mean In The Scope Of The History Of North-South Korea Relations? Daybreak Asia's Ira Mellman Seeks Perspective With Charles Armstrong, Professor Of Korean Studies At New York's Columbia University.